Le Pâté Hénaff – Pop Art limited edition!

For a number of years now, the famous yellow and blue box has been adorned with a variety of designs.
These dynamic designs can be used to highlight regional events, support local associations, showcase beautiful photos, or even enhance our flagship product by adding an artistic touch. Such is the case with the Pop Art limited series, which you’ve probably already seen or bought in regional product stores. Pop Art originally originated in Great Britain in the 1950s, but its heyday came a few years later with Andy Warhol ‘s famous clichés, before finally reaching the whole world. And indeed, this artistic phenomenon has reached as far as Nizon, a village in South Finistère where an association of artists and craftsmen, Hanga’art, has been modernizing old clichés using the Pop Art method since 1992. Hénaff was inspired by this movement to give color to its tins, using old emblematic photos of the company, such as women workers or the portrait of founder Jean Hénaff. These decorations were so popular that new shots are being designed for next year! To be continued…