In October, Hénaff goes pink!
In October, Hénaff goes pink! Hénaff is once again supporting the “Pink October” campaign. For this occasion, the Hénaff Sélection pâté de campagne aux tomates séchées verrine is dressed in the colors of the movement. For each verrine sold, €0.50 will be donated to La Ligue contre le cancer du Finistère. They will be available from the four Hénaff & Co boutiques in Pouldreuzic, Pont-Aven, Concarneau and La Trinité-sur-Mer, as well as from wine merchants, delicatessens and garden centers in the region. For those outside Brittany, visit“As a responsible and committed player in its territory, the Jean Hénaff Group supports the Ligue contre le Cancer every year to prevent breast cancer, an important cause we are keen to support.” – Loïc Hénaff